"Design supports a community’s transformation by enhancing the physical and visual assets that set the commercial district apart."
Image is everything, and Main Street Point Pleasant wants our downtown to be a place loved by locals and tourists alike. We know that we have the most beautiful downtown around (sorry, everyone else), but sometimes it's hard to see that beauty and style beneath the dirt and grime.
Through streetscape improvements, greenspace and alley activations, public art, design assistance and facade improvement grants for property owners, and historic preservation, Main Street works to make our historic downtown a more attractive place to live, visit, and shop.
Image is everything, and Main Street Point Pleasant wants our downtown to be a place loved by locals and tourists alike. We know that we have the most beautiful downtown around (sorry, everyone else), but sometimes it's hard to see that beauty and style beneath the dirt and grime.
Through streetscape improvements, greenspace and alley activations, public art, design assistance and facade improvement grants for property owners, and historic preservation, Main Street works to make our historic downtown a more attractive place to live, visit, and shop.