Mason County, WV - An
Archaeological Treasure
Bone tools including
awls, needles, and scrapers
from Shadle Farm.
There appear to be Archaic,
Woodland, and Late Pre-Contact (Fort Ancient) components at the site.
However, most of the artifacts collected at Shadle Farm are from the Fort
Ancient component. The village at Shadle Farm covers an area of
approximately 4.5 acres. Collectors report that Shadle Farm contained many
burials, sometimes in layers.
pottery sherds from Shadle Farm.
courtesy of WVDCH
Collections Management Facility
from the Fort Ancient component include shell-tempered pottery, bone
tools, beads, and a bone flute. There are also stone and ceramic
discoidals, which are round discs thought to be used in games, stone tools
and bifaces, and cannel coal pendants. Many shell beads and ornaments have
been found at the site as well as stone smoking pipes
and ceramic discs and discoidals
from Shadle Farm.
shell necklace and
gastropod shell from Shadle Farm. |